Intesa Sanpaolo is the largest banking group in Italy – a point of reference for families, businesses and the real economy – with a significant international presence. The Group considers art and culture as a strategic resource of the country capable of triggering growth processes also on a social, economic and employment level.

Fully included in its 2022-2025 Business Plan, the commitment is realized through cultural activities in collaboration with important public and private institutions and bodies, to promote knowledge of Italian heritage and passion for art among the general public. and culture, and to its initiatives such as Progetto Cultura, which pursues the priority objectives of allowing the community to enjoy the historical, artistic and architectural heritage of the Group through its museums, the Gallerie d’Italia, in Milan, Naples, Turin and Vicenza.

Intesa Sanpaolo’s commitment to the valorization of art is also expressed through the program “Restitutioni” which since 1989 has taken care of and supported the restoration of works of the Italian artistic heritage identified in collaboration with ministerial protection bodies. To date, over 2.000 assets have been restored and “returned” to their communities.