

by Fabrizio Plessi

curated by Antonio Sgamellotti e Virginia Lapenta


Date: 11-01-2024 / 11-04-2024

Villa Farnesina – Via della Lungara 230 – 00165 Roma

Comunicato stampa (.pdf)Cartella Stampa (.zip)


In the three years 2019-2021, Villa Farnesina was the venue for three important and interconnected exhibitions celebrating Leonardo, Raphael, and Dante – the artists of “the Triptych of the Italian Genius”. This title encompasses all the initiatives organized by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei on the occasion of the 5 th Centennial of the death of Leonardo and Raphael and the 7 th Centennial of that of Dante.

As a symbolic conclusion of the entire project, Fabrizio Plessi’s work “Bucare il mare”, a triptych of his drawings, is exhibited in Villa Farnesina. The Artist’s extraordinary ability to integrate into scenarios of paramount relevance and historical-artistic tradition allow his drawings to dialogue with the greatest series of paintings with intensity and, at the same time, with tactfulness. The exhibition aims at investigating the functioning of creative thought, in which drawing represents the fundamental frame of the Artist’s work.