Corsinian readingsLetture corsiniane

Alfio Quarteroni, Challenges, opportunities and pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence: towards Digital Twins

Data: 06/10/2024

Ore 11: Sala di lettura della biblioteca: il direttore Marco Guardo racconterà la storia di una biblioteca d’eccezione
Ore 12: Lettura Corsiniana, Sala di Scienze Fisiche

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Locandina (.pdf)

The history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is older than people think. However, it is only in recent years that the development of AI has seen an unprecedented acceleration compared to past industrial revolutions, such as those related to thermodynamics, electricity and digital domain. Three main factors have made this rapid expansion possible: Big Data, Cloud Computing and Machine Learning, together with their synergetic use.
But can we speak of true intelligence, comparable to human intelligence? It is a very common question. And if so, could it one day surpass ours? And again, what impact will it have on human activities?
In his Lecture, Alfio Quarteroni will answer some of these questions, shedding light on many issues in order to understand what Artificial Intelligence really is. He will explore the mathematical aspects behind it, getting to the root of the process with an approach based on facts rather than (often misleading) narratives. It will show the great potential of this technological revolution, the remarkable successes already achieved, and the hopes and illusions it arouses, without however concealing the open problems and potential pitfalls, both for individuals and for the society as a whole.
The aim is not to chase the latest version of generative AI, but rather to convey an understanding of the fundamental concepts of AI, those destined to withstand the frenetic pace of change.
At 11.00 a.m., Marco Guardo, Director of the Library of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and Corsiniana, will give a speech about the story of an exceptional library, in the reading room of the Library. Booking required.